Home / On The Road 32
Kansas Pics
1 photoWyoming Pics
2 photosNew Mexico Pics
1 photoOklahoma Pics
2 photosOregon Pics
3 photosTrucks
2 photosNevada Pics
2 photosWashington Pics
2 photosArizona Pics
2 photosCalifornia Pics
2 photos

- Mount Shasta, CA from the northside.
- Small herd of elk in southern Oregon.
- Southern hills of Oregon in the morning along I-5.
- Untitled-46
- Untitled-45
- One of several green bridges crossed in southern Washington.
- Foggy and misty morning in Oregon.
- West of Oklahoma City.
- Untitled-40
- Old farm buildings in northern New Mexico along I-40
- Trailer line-up in Oklahoma.
- Untitled-37
- Untitled-36
- Untitled-35
- Untitled-34