Steve Robinson's Serve: Loving Your Church with Your Heart, Time, and Gifts encourages Christians to sacrificially serve their church family by following the gospel and example of Jesus, who “came not to be served but to serve” (Mark 10:45). Designed for individuals or small groups, the book provides practical guidance for rediscovering purpose and joy in using your God-given gifts, no matter how ordinary they may seem. Complete with discussion questions, action steps, and free downloadable resources, Serve is part of the Acts29 Love Your Church series, offering a biblical vision of vibrant, selfless community life.
Below are the chapter and the Action Steps at the end of each chapter.
1. Who Do We Serve?
Action Steps
- Why is it helpful to keep in mind a deep knowledge of who you are serving?
- How does 1 Peter 2:9-10 help you to understand both who you are and who you are to serve?
- In the moments when you are tempted to serve self, what is it about the gospel that helps you run from that to embrace the gift of serving God, the church and the world?
2. Why Do We Serve?
Action Steps
- How does knowing the mercy of God motivate your service?
- What are the tipping points that cause you to embrace the world's way of thinking when serving is tough?
- What is it about how Jesus served on earth and serves us now that encourages you in your service?
- Pray that your heart is captured by the mercies of God and that you are able, with His strength, to present your whole life sacrificially for his service.
3. Good and Faithful Servant
Action Steps
- What would your service to God, the church and the world look like if it was motivated, sustained, and grounded in gospel truth and love for Jesus?
- Spend time thinking and praying through where your heart is when it comes to serving in terms of love, humility, suffering, and joy.
- Are there any areas in your service to God where you know you struggle with being self-centered, self-protective or self-exalting? Spend time repenting in prayer, knowing that your Savior Jesus will forgive, encourage, and comfort you.
4. Serve as the Person God Had Made You to Be
Action Steps
- Spend time reflecting on your life experiences, asking God to reveal to you the evidence of His grace in significant moments. How has God used those moments to shape you? If you are struggling, ask a friend or church leader to talk it through with you.
- Ask God to help you see how you can use these experiences to serve him.
- What area of weakness are you resenting and not embracing? What area of service are you seeking to do in your own strength because of this? What area of service are you not stepping into because of this weakness?
5. Serve With what God Has Given You
Action Steps
- "You are not the silver bullet for your church's problems; equally, you are needed by your church." Are you more likely to stray into thinking you are a "silver bullet", or that you are not really needed by your church? What difference to your serving would either of those mistakes make?
- Are there gifts that, personally or as a church, you tend to view or treat as being more worthy than others? How can you proactively, in your thinking, praying, and actions, counteract this?
- Spend time working through the three ways to discern your gifting that this chapter lays out:
1. Self-examination
2. Experience
3. Seeking wisdome
- Think of two or three fellow church members who you can show honor to by telling them what difference their serving makes to your church—and then do so!
6. Serve Where God Has Placed You
Action Steps
- Is your service rooted in your local church?
- Read through Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, spotting the implications for you and your church, and pray through what service looks like for you in your context.